Media Council of Bermuda


Committee Governance


Media Council Appointments Committee Governance


1.     The Appointments Committee consists of a chairperson and two other members.

1.1.  The inaugural Appointments Committee was selected by the Media Working Group on the basis of experience in various areas of private and public affairs.


2.     A person may not be appointed as a member of the Appointments Committee for more than three years.


3.     The Appointments Committee shall:

3.1.  Appoint members of The Media Council of Bermuda (the ‘Council’);

3.2.  Review the functions of the members of the Council;

3.3.  Remove members of the Council on grounds of incapacity or bringing the Media Council into disrepute or failure to perform the duties of Council members or for failure without reasonable excuse to attend three consecutive meetings of the Council;

3.4.  Future members of the Appointments Committee shall be selected by the Media Working Group.

Disqualification from Council membership

4.     Save for three media representatives on the Media Council, persons who are politically active or have an active connection with the media or are serving members of the civil service are disqualified from appointment.


5.     The Appointments Committee shall meet at least twice in each year. Notice shall be given in writing to each member of the Appointments Committee, at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting.


6.     At a meeting of the Appointments Committee two members constitute a quorum.

6.1.     All decisions of the Appointments Committee shall be minuted.

6.2.     The Executive Officer of the Council shall take minutes at every meeting of the Appointments Committee and shall as soon as practicable after the close of each meeting send a copy of those minutes to each member of the Appointments Committee.

6.3.     At meetings each member, including the Chairperson, shall have one vote, and in the case of equality of votes the Chairperson shall have a second or casting vote.

Governance Changes

The role of the Appointments Committee and the governance rules contained herein may be altered, repealed or added to by a majority vote of the Appointments Committee provided that the Appointments Committee members convene for that purpose and for which seven days prior written notice has been served upon every member.